More than just a benefit

As health insurance premiums continue to increase, employers struggle to balance cost with quality care.  Enrolling employees in our practice allows an employer to affordably set itself apart with a unique health care benefit.  As members of Fishers Direct Family Care, employees receive better health care – not just more coverage.  When paired with a high deductible health plan, our practice is a valuable part of a health benefit, granting access to care that is less expensive and more predictable for both the employer and the employee.

Key benefits include:

  • Lower health care costs for employees and the employer depending on your health plan structure.
  • Easier access to care for employees.
  • Options for e-visits and telehealth means employees are out of the office less.
  • A great perk for employees to help retention.

Give us a call or e-mail us at for more details.  Or complete to form below and we'll reach out to you.